Thank you for supporting Aura Home Women Vets as we all continue to recover from the aftermath of a historical storm . Hurricane Helene brought devastation to much of Western North Carolina, and Aura Home Women Vets was not spared.
As a result:
- We immediately doubled the number of women Veterans (and families) who needs housing, transportation and basic supplies assistance from flood and wind damaged homes;
- 1 lost their family vehicle
- 3 referred to Transformation Village
- 2 lost their houses
- 6 financial assistance
- 12 food/water, household products and clothing
- Our expenses for rehousing costs for these Veterans and their families have greatly exceeded our budget;
- As of Sunday, November 17, we had 5 women Veterans (and their families) in emergency shelters, and 3 for whom we are providing daily transportation. We assisted 3 women Veterans in acquiring permanent housing during this tumultuous time of recovery.
- As the impact of the storm continues to ripple throughout our communities, we expect that the need will continue to grow as we enter the holidays and nonpayment evictions continue.
- Many Veterans lost their employment due to the storm; loss of income results in nonpayment of essential bills like utilities, car payments, rent and mortgage.
- The Felicia Reeves Home that we have been rehabilitating in Hendersonville was rendered essentially unusable, and our future effort there is under evaluation. However, there are still on-going expenses associated with the property.
As we enter the Holiday season, please don't forget the women who so selflessly served our country. This week, two volunteers from the First Congregational Church, Asheville, worked alongside Alyce for two days to fill 20 boxes, and assorted stockings to be delivered to our women Veterans who are in contining need of assistance.
Helene made our mission all the more critical: To create a safe, caring environment where women Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness can find the resources needed to regain or maintain their independence.
As we approach the Christmas season , our Veterans deserve our support more than ever.Can you help us meet these critical needs by making a contribution today at
Thanking you for your continued support during the ongoing recovery from Helene!